Community Impact
A list of all the sponsorships PlayforBurk Foundation made to community organizations for calendar year 2019.

3rd Annual Golf Tourney
On Friday, April 26, 2019 there were 150 golfers that participated in a double shotgun event to raise money for local special needs groups. The event raised $20,000 that will be given back...

Burk Bags
Burk bags bless the lives of Bartlesville middle school students. The bags are full of various hygiene items given to students free of charge through the school counseling office.
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Christmas Donations
The PlayforBurk Foundation presented $15,000 in checks to 5 BPSD elementary schools and 2 BPSD middle schools to allow their Parent Support Groups/PTOs to purchase Christmas gifts for underprivileged children.

Community Impact
A list of all the sponsorships PlayforBurk Foundation made to community organizations for calendar year 2018.

2nd Annual Golf Tourney
On Friday, April 20, 2018 there were 88 golfers that participated in a single shotgun event to raise money for local special needs groups. The event raised $12,000 that will be given back...

Cricket Pitch in Bartlesville
When the city’s new cricket field officially opened in May 2018, Bartlesville held the best playing facility north of southern Texas and throughout at least a four-state area.
PlayforBurk Foundation led the way in building the new cricket field!

Christmas Donations
The PlayforBurk Foundation presented $11,000 in checks to 3 BPSD elementary schools and 2 BPSD middle schools to allow their Parent Support Groups/PTOs to purchase Christmas gifts for underprivileged children.

Community Impact
A list of all the sponsorships PlayforBurk Foundation made to community organizations for calendar year 2017.

Foundation Sponsors How2Lady Workshop
The foundation paid to sponsor 5 teenage girls ($450) to attend the How2Lady workshop hosted at Hillcrest Country Club on Friday, March 3 and Saturday, March 4.
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Students IGNITE at BHS Leadership Conference
Twenty four of Bartlesville High School’s incoming seniors participated in the IGNITE Leadership Conference held on July 20-21.
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1st Annual Golf Tourney
The PlayForBurk Foundation recently made a $9,500 donation to two local special needs programs. The money was raised from PlayForBurk’s First Annual Golf Tournament, which was held in April at Adams Golf Course in Bartlesville.
Hansen Receives U.S. Marketing STAR Award
Clint Hansen, Bartlesville resident and president of the local non-profit PlayForBurk Foundation, was honored by Phillips 66 with the U.S. Marketing Community Service STAR award on April 14.

Students Honored by PlayforBurk Foundation
On Friday, May 20th, the PlayForBurk Foundation awarded two local students awards for demonstrating excellence in community service.

Lee Lake Project
A partnership between the PlayForBurk Foundation Inc. and the City of Bartlesville resulted in benches, tables and other needed items being installed at Lee Lake.
Basketball Court at Madison Middle School
PlayForBurk Foundation installs new basketball standards at Madison Middle School.

BillionGraves.com Service Project
In an event called “BillionGraves Service,” local volunteers with the PlayForBurk Foundation photographed headstones and beautified the grounds at Bartlesville’s White Rose Cemetery on Saturday, April 16th .

Festival of the Nativity Expands for 6th year
The Bartlesville Festival of the Nativity – a multi-faith celebration of the Savior’s birth through nativity displays and music – enters its sixth year with expanded reach and is set to become the largest nativity event in all of Green Country.

Photo Earns State Championship Award
A photo taken by Edward Reali (BHS student) shows an emotional moment between BHS head football coach John McKee and player Nate Hansen (brother of the late Burk Hansen). The photo was selected for a state championship award.

Inflatable Run
The PlayForBurk Foundation partnered with Madison Middle School to host an inflatable run fundraiser, raising $5,000 for Madison Middle School.

Alex Boye in Concert
On August 22, 2015, the PlayForBurk Foundation hosted world-renowed performing artist and America's Got Talent contestant, Alex Boye.

$5,000 Donation to Madison Middle School
“The $5,000 we donated to Madison will help buy much-needed technology for the school,” said Clint Hansen...

New Foundation Started
A local family is making sure that the legacy of their young son leaves a lasting impact on area youth.